Wednesday, 24 June 2015

Digital Literacy and Information Fluency

Digital fluency is interpreting information unconsciously so that we can extract knowledge and interpret its meaning and significance.

On the Animal Planet website:(  that has to do with the so called findings of mermaids i could find this results after going to the site.

1- The purpose of the site was to inform people that they had allegertly found mermaids
2-the process of delivering this to the public was by making a few decomenteries and making this website.
3-the public's response to this news was mixed as some thought that this news was a joke and that the was not enough evidence to support the claims of being mermaids. Another group of people just believed it just because they took the credibility of Animal Planet..
4- The accuracy of the claims by Animal Planet is hard to acually prove because of the pictures of the so called mermaids not being clear enough and them not giving enough information to acualy prove that their are mermaids

out and and the pictures don,t look real enough to be convincing.

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