Wednesday, 24 June 2015

Digital Security

Digital fraud and crimes
Digital fraud and crimes has to deal with issues such as digital scams, child pornography, identity theft, and many other digital crimes.
·         Fraud and theft scams- The main aim of this crime has to do with people stealing another person’ personal or financial details. But other notable information taken is:
·        Free samples- It has to do with this criminals using another person’s credit card details to buy                       things with it
·         Disaster fraud- A person receives and email from an fake organization that deals with disasters                     and ask you for donation, or a malware is put onto your computer to take you contacts to ask people for donations
·         Sexual offending against children-This deals with people distributing child pornography on the internet. Some crimes include:
·         Online grooming- where criminals pretend to be younger and chat to young teenagers sometimes adults and later ask to meet with them somewhere the crime will happen such as rape.
·         Sexting- The criminal encourage for self-generated pornography photos so that they can later blackmail them with the photos.
·          Physical harm as a result of Digital crimes- This includes harassment, online stalking, cyber-bullying and hate crime. Victims report that they receive unwanted emails that threatening or obscene. Cyber-bullied victims have been harassed so much so that they end up committing suicide. In some cases the online stalker has gone on to murder their stalked victims.
The definition of cyber-crime is any criminal act that involves electronic communication or information systems (, 2015). There are a high number of different cyber-crimes to name a few they are:
·         Identity theft-A hacker or scammer  may use a fake email to trick someone t5o give him/her, his/her  password and account information, or get his or her I.D number , once the have it they will have access to that persons accounts so they buy things with that information and cause damage for the victim (, 2008)
·          Hacking-This is a criminal offense where by a person goes into another person or organization’s computer system, to steal, gain control or destroy the system from the inside out(, 2008). There are other reasons why hacking happens.
·         Industrial espionage-This is the theft of an organizations data by competitor’s ether to make the company close down or to sell it at high prices to someone else.
·         Toll fraud-this is when a thief gains access to an organizations long distance lines using technological means .

·         Computer viruses-This is a computer file program that is attached to another file or to disks that replicate fast. They are there to destroy or disrupt the way your computer system works.

1 comment:

  1. The public trusts our reviews because we are people who are just as susceptible to identity theft as they are. We at No Identity Theft have personally experienced identity theft, so we designed this comparison site to help as many people as possible be aware of how to protect themselves from identity theft. The customer is always our first priority. You will never read a review that was influenced in anyway by compensation of any kind, guaranteed.
